I'll start with what I call a "snippet" - a piece of prose or a quote or a few words, that I found in a book, or heard in a conversation, or found floating in the air.
You go with it. Add at will. Give it a beginning, or continue it on toward some new end. Add one sentence, one paragraph, or go all crazy and write a whole story or dissertation. Even a song, or poem will do. You don't have to be Thoreau, Tolkien or Tolstoy. Just have fun with it. That's the whole idea.
Click on "Comment" below to add to the snippet. Check back often to read other's additions in the "Comments".
Here we go. Here's the first snippet.
Running, running, running up the stairs at top speed, I whirl around the corner toward his room, just a tiny bit out of balance from taking the corner so fast.
It's Lisa, Ryan and Jennica's neighbor :-) I wanted to stop by and say hello and also to thank you for the wonderful comment you left on my site. Isn't seeing that you have a new comment posted the most wonderful thing? :-) Anyhow - here's my addition to the snippet:
...I'm not doing well hiding my excitement; I know he'd give me a good ribbing if he saw me right now, out of breath in the middle of the hallway. I look down at my hands and feel a little foolish for bringing it with me, but I want to know if he still remembers...
PS -- have you made a muddle yet? :-)
PPS -- Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time visiting in Maine!
No, no, he couldn't possibly, wouldn't ever remember. It's only something a girl-so-in-love holds onto for so many years. I start to contemplate how I will say it, what words I will use to tell him our story...
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This is where you can post a photo challenge guess, or a comment on what you see here. I'd love to hear from you!