Friday, June 15, 2007

Where would we be?

Okay, so last night I really had one of those moments when you do something so ahead of time and so organized and so “thinking” that you just want to pat yourself on the back. Know those moments? Few and far between lately because I’ve been so scatterbrained – and by lately, I mean over the last 4 years or so.
So, I was in the kitchen and I realized that my wedding anniversary is coming up – July 1st. Well, since I apparently so thoroughly screwed up the birthday last week, and Father’s Day is bound to be a let-down (it always is), I thought, “I’m going to make reservations for our anniversary dinner now – and he’ll think I’m so great for thinking of it and just doing it without asking what he wants to do, and I’ll get a sitter right away too, so we’re not scrambling the night before…” I called Fore Street right then and there and made a reservation. AJ walked in as I was writing it on the calendar and said, “What’s up?” I stood up real straight, like the peacock with the prettiest plumage, and said very proudly and triumphantly, “I just made our dinner reservations for our anniversary.”
And you know what he said?
He said, “What if we aren’t here for our anniversary?”

1 comment:

Critter's Mom said...

Potato pancakes OR Pizza?

Please, I'm pregnant.

Both, and fast.

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