Thursday, June 14, 2007

Little League Excitement

My son is in Little League Baseball, at the Minor level. He's pretty good and started pitching and catching this year. He had a game last night. Scheduled at the last minute as a make-up game for Monday’s mishap when the other team neglected to show up. They rescheduled it last minute because it’s playoffs – we’re playing for 4th place.
It was an AWESOME game. I screamed and yelled and jumped up and down – almost a sore throat. He pitched the first four innings. That was the first time anyone on his team had pitched more than two innings. 72 pitches. The pitchers each have a limit of 75 pitches per game. In the first inning, he threw 10 pitches – he was on fire. Three outs in 10 pitches. I was so excited. He did such a great job. In the first inning, one kid hit the ball, Jake grabbed it up and got it to first and got the kid out – it was totally cool. For the last two innings he was catcher, and again, did a great job.
He even had a hit last night – which is very rare for Jake this season. He is just MR. NO-SWING this year. Not sure why that is but it’s been very frustrating. His first up to bat he just stood there and struck out. Second time, he swung twice, fouled off twice and then struck out. At least he swung the bat. Third time he hit the ball hard but the pitcher was paying attention and got him out at first. I didn’t care – I was still jumping up and down. HE SWUNG THE BAT AND HIT THE BALL.
Jake’s team was ahead 6-2 when they switched pitchers. Like Shilling stepping off the mound – it was downhill from there. The new pitcher walked two kids right around the bases and home. There were three points in two innings when they had the bases loaded and only one out. At the end of the bottom of the 6th inning (they only play 6) we were behind by one. Ugh. I was biting my nails. The coaches were talking about the game-time limits and the possibility of extra innings. Then, we’re up. First batter walks, then steals to second. Adam, Jake’s buddy, hits the ball and gets on first, and the runner from second makes it home. Tie game. Then, Adam steals all the way to third. Then, the next batter, a tiny little kid (no bigger than Grace, and maybe even smaller) whacks the ball and Adam comes home for the winning run. It was awesome.
So, they have their last game on Friday.
Can’t wait.

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