No, not me.
Grace started feeling the effects of Fifths Disease on Sunday afternoon, shortly after returning from a sleepover. Not that the sleepover had anything to do with it - she had a little bit of a sore throat when she left and I didn't think it would amount to anything.
Monday we visited the doctor and she ruled out Strep and concluded Fifth's Disease. Sounds really awful, doesn't it? I think that's because of the word 'disease'. just sounds so permanent and dirty. But really, Fifth's Disease, my research tells me, isn't a big deal. It's just a virus that will pass in a few days. It includes a terrible sore throat, fever, tell-tale red cheeks and usually a light rash on the arms. Once you get it (usually young children), you don't get it again. Or so they say.
On Sunday night Grace had a raging fever. You could have fried bacon on her - if you wanted to, which I didn't, though it occurred to me because I really do love bacon, but what a mess. She and I were up most of the night. I'd sit with her for an hour, go back to bed for 40 minutes when she'd wake me up, go sit with her again, go back to bed, she'd wake me get the picture, right?
So, we stayed home Monday.
And again Tuesday.
Today I sent her to school. She hadn't had a temperature above normal since 4am on Tuesday morning and her general energy was better. She was coughing a bit, and in the morning her throat was still a little sore, but I figured she would feel a lot better once she got going.
I think she did. Until recess. It's in the 40's here, and wicked windy. WICKED WINDY. (not wicked wendy - that's another story) So, outside for recess Grace had trouble breathing with the cold air and her teacher called me to come and get her. Which I did. Now we're home in our pajamas in the middle of the day. She's watching cartoons and I'm doing this.
Do I mind? Well, you know, usually after two straight days of playing nurse-maid and hanging with the 8-year old and hearing Sponge Bob and Jimmy Neutron reverberating through the house, I'd be a bit crazy and cranky.
Not this time. Know why?

She is just so damned cute. And she's been such a SWEET SICK PERSON. So polite - please and thank you all day long, no complaining, no whining, no whimpering or acting bored or begging for special treats. And, so warm and snuggly, so happy to just be.
These are the first sick days in our family in two winters. Not a bad record. If all sick days are this adorable - I'll take some more please.
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