Friday, September 14, 2007

Pharma Karma

Almost every single mother that I know that's my age takes an anti-depressant or anxiety relieving prescription.

Do I feel a need to "one-up" them, to be stronger than them and pass up the easy way out?
Ummm, nope.

Do you think our mothers had to reduce stress pharmaceutically?

So what's the difference? What is the fundamental difference between being a mother 30 years ago, and being a mother now? 30 years ago we were already well into the age of the working mother. Mine worked. Most of my friends' mothers worked. Were they more relaxed because it was the 70's and they were all stoned? Maybe that's when the obesity issue began - everyone was stoned for the entire decade, raising children and eating Pop-tarts and brownie batter all day long.

I don't know and I don't get it. As I turn 38 today I'll just pop another Prozac and think about that.


Critter's Mom said...

Didn't more women smoke cigarettes and pop Valium back then?

Answer to the question of the day: Both. Not a big fan of motorcycles, but I might make an exception for the summertime tour of the Alps...but I could use some beach time and Greece sounds wonderful right now.

Katrine said...

Yes, and I think they had more parties too.

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