So that's why kids whine relentlessly, repeating the same thing over and over and over and over. Turns out, that really DOES work!
I will be posting images from now on, taken with my brand spanking new Nikon D80.
Yes, thank you very much.
And, I have to give credit where it's due. AJ bought it for me. Of course, I bugged him the most. But he is the best gift-giver in the world.
Here are the first four images I took.I recognize that the subject matter is not entirely exciting - but it was all I had to go with at the moment.

Oh, Kate. Your photos are just as wonderful as your writing! You go, girl!! I can't wait to see more.
Kate - WOW! These are beautiful. I always love water droplet photos. Congratulations on your new purchase -- I promise it WILL become an appendage!!!
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