What? I haven't written since April 12th? I didn't write while on vacation? I haven't written about Little League? or pending birthdays? or seeing old friends? What's wrong with me? Don't I have anything interesting to say?
Truthfully, no. I might have interesting things to discuss, but there isn't an ounce of my brain that is currently prepared to write these items down in an interesting way - a way that you will want to continue reading. I'm not sure what's wrong with me. Tired maybe. Bored maybe. Overwhelmed maybe. All three - perhaps. As soon as I can, I will sit down and "pen" some reflections for you. I'll gaze into my crystal ball of ideas and notions and write things that will make your jaw drop in awe, your heart flitter with emotion, your belly laugh up and down. But, not today. Not today. Just don't have it in me.
For now, you'll have to settle with this bookmark.
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