Thursday, April 12, 2007

&%#@*!! Snow

It's April 12th and it's snowing. Well, it was snowing a minute ago, now it's sleeting. Sleet - little tiny needles flying through the air, mercilessly stabbing anyone who dares venture out. Ah, April. It's such a prankster of a month, isn't it? "In like a lion, out like a lamb." That's bologna. "In like a lion, lingering like a hungry hyena around a dying zebra and out, eventually, like an old woman after sex - exhausted, but happy.
On Saturday, we're gettin outa Dodge. The four of us are flying away to warm, moist Florida. Florida is such an easy vacation: everyone eats the same food as we do here, they speak the same language, there are all the same stores and restaurants, and truly no one cares what you're wearing or how your hair is cut (we're not going to Boca). It's pretty relaxing - even if it is a bit on the cheeky side. I am really looking forward to reading some magazines, feeling warm, not wearing a coat with a fur collar and leaving my boots at home. I also am excited to spend so much time with my family without homework, strict bedtimes, laundry and chores to do.
We are going to be very busy, too. My husband took some time this week to make lists fo all the things we can do on our vacation. Then, he presented them all to the kids and we let them choose. Here's where I think we ended up: Busch Gardens, a Tampa Bay/Orioles game, jet skiing, an alligator tour, a water park, possibly parasailing, and obviously the beach. I also intend to hit the "Red Barn" flea market, buy lots of oranges and grapefruits and avoid getting eaten alive by red ants.
When we get back, it will be birthday season. Two in May, two in June, and Mother's Day and Father's Day too.
Packin in the fun, we are.

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