Friday, February 15, 2008


For years I’ve been annoyed by the amount of packaging that’s used at Dunkin Donuts. An order of a frosted donut, a bagel and two munchkins requires three separate bags, a paper wrap for the bagel, and two sheets of tissue for the donuts. This excess just urks me. PUT IT ALL IN ONE DAMNED BAG!

Thankfully, I’m not a huge fan of Dunkin Donuts coffee, so I don’t frequent the donut chalet very often. However, recently, I’ve been in an inescapable rut of junkfood and fastfood – a craving I can’t seem to subdue. So, I’ve been to the donut chalet twice in the last week. Both times I ordered a bagel and two munchkins (had my own coffee – just needed shots of butter and sugar to get me going). Both times the packaging has been minimalized, which I’ve been glad to see. So, I shouldn’t complain.

But what else is there to do but complain? Really.

The bagel comes in a brown paper bag, as usual. The change is to the packaging of the two munchkins. Why they can’t go into the bag with the bagel I’ll never understand. God forbid bagels and munchkins co-mingle.

On my last two visits, the munchkins have been handed to me in what I’m affectionately referring to as a little MUNCHKIN LOVE SACK. Two munchkins wrapped in one piece of DD tissue which is then twisted at the top for closure. Picture it. A thin filmy wrapping around two soft balls, placed into my hand ever so gently. Handle with care.

Let me just say this: EEEEWWWWW!

I quickly drop the love sack into the bag with the bagel, hoping it will unwrap itself as I drive to work.

1 comment:

Critter's Mom said...

Oh, God, GOD, that's funny. Remember the SNL skit with Alec Baldwin? The one where he is some sort of locally-famous chef, who makes all sorts of "balls" for the holidays? And the NPR radio host keeps saying she can't wait to put his balls in her mouth. Oh, and his last name is Schwetty, so they're Schwetty Balls...I'm going to go wet myself now. Bye.

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