Eight families went trick-or-treating together. It was a mob moving down the block like a swarm of black flies. Everytime someone opened the door there was a gasp, a quick moment of panic (do I have enough candy for all these kids?) and then a smile. Crowding on porches, they moved in for their treats, bustling each other for prime position - first pick. Here are some pics from our Celebration of the Imagination...

Hermione Granger
Gorilla in a pink dress. Don't ask.

And one last thing that isn't Halloween related. Check out this blog post. Specifically, read the October 12th post. My brother sent it to me. Anyone can enjoy this...
Okay, Critter's Mom, you're forcing me to clarify before we get carried away. I didn't make the gorilla's mask. That was store-bought; the first time one of my kids had a costume that covered their face. I also didn't make the gorilla's dress - that was in the attic from years long gone by. But, everything else is handmade: the gorilla body, hands, feet (complete with leather soles for hours of walking outside) and Hermione's complete outfit - skirt, robe, tie. AJ made the wand.
1 comment:
My God, Kate, you are truly talented. For those of you who read this blog and don't know it, Kate is an amazing seamstress. She made those costumes with her own pretty little hands...down to the furry head on that pretty gorilla. Maybe I should post the link to the local paper's article about her costume skills...
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