stress \ ‘stres \ n [ME stresse stress, distress, fr. destresse – more at DISTRESS]
…c: a state resulting from a stress; esp: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium
(Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, MA. 1972)
stress \ ‘stres \ pronounced: ang zi ettee cup oll’d with ten shun
…a: oh my god you have so much homework you might have to miss football and when you get home you are going to have to study for your test tomorrow why didn’t you bring your social studies book home before tonight and what exactly does the teacher want for these two paragraphs and when is your book report due and what is your sister doing where is she anyway did she get off the bus after school? oh I see her across the street at the neighbors keep reading you are not even close to done I have to make dinner oh god there is no milk what will I make now gotta come up with something I have no idea how Christopher Columbus learned to sail read your book and find out oh I think I can make macaroni and cheese your father is coming home late you have to be at practice in 15 minutes hurry up slow down you cannot possibly comprehend anything if you read that fast the cat is outside can you let her in nevermind I will do it you do your math here comes your sister with her friend no your friend cannot eat dinner at our house I don’t have any food as it is football practice has already started you’re late are you done? Crap I let the noodles cook too long oh shit we got another bill in the mail and five more catalogs that we don’t need now go up and change your clothes no she can’t have dinner here I already said that is your homework done? I have to bring your brother to practice we are already late no she can’t come with us please walk her home but hurry because we are late already I will have to finish dinner when I get home gotta switch the laundry now yes coach I know he is late again I am sorry but he has to get his homework done before football he is too tired when he gets home to get it done shit we forgot his helmet I will go home and get it no Grace you cannot stay here you have to come with me to get your homework done no I cannot swing you no I cannot pick you up you weigh as much as me we have to stop and get milk eat fast because we have to pick up your brother at practice Daddy will be home in an hour eat fast slow down you are eating like a pig close your mouth when you chew hurry up we have to go Jake eat up you have to study for your test now Hi honey how was your day mine sucked too sorry to hear that Jake are you done with dinner yet? Get out your book and study he has to study for a test no he couldn’t get it done before practice he had too many other things to do we had macaroni and cheese for dinner help yourself I have to switch the laundry god I gotta pee but there’s really no time Grace go upstairs and read for 15 minutes yes you can read to me AJ help Jake study I’m going up to read with Grace gotta pee can do that upstairs I really don’t care which book you read just pick one and start reading I am listening yes he has to study chapter three yes all of it yes the test is tomorrow I’m sorry honey I had to talk to Daddy for a second go ahead and keep reading Peanut I cannot feed you right now I’ll be down in a minute that’s good reading sweetpea I have to go down and help Jake again it’s almost 9 o’clock he really should get to bed Grace it’s bedtime please brush your teeth yes you already told me you had recorder practice today now go brush your teeth I don’t care what pajamas you choose no you choose them and get them on and brush your teeth Jake really has to be done now please send him upstairs oh shit I never went pee Jake brush your teeth oh and strip your bed I want to wash the sheets you brush I’ll make the bed Grace please get in bed I can’t come down just yet honey I’m still putting the kids to bed I’ll have to miss the Bionic Woman tonight but I’ll be down in time for Life Grace are you in bed? Jake your bed is made now finish up your teeth you have to brush longer than that they can’t even possibly be clean come on now get to bed it’s late yes I’ll ask Daddy to kiss you goodnight no I can’t snuggle with you right now I have to switch the laundry and watch Life no we can’t go to Coffee Gourmet tomorrow please go to sleep yes I’ll give you a quick backscratch there now goodnight and get some sleep tomorrow will be a busy day.
…c: a state resulting from a stress; esp: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium
(Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Company, Springfield, MA. 1972)
stress \ ‘stres \ pronounced: ang zi ettee cup oll’d with ten shun
…a: oh my god you have so much homework you might have to miss football and when you get home you are going to have to study for your test tomorrow why didn’t you bring your social studies book home before tonight and what exactly does the teacher want for these two paragraphs and when is your book report due and what is your sister doing where is she anyway did she get off the bus after school? oh I see her across the street at the neighbors keep reading you are not even close to done I have to make dinner oh god there is no milk what will I make now gotta come up with something I have no idea how Christopher Columbus learned to sail read your book and find out oh I think I can make macaroni and cheese your father is coming home late you have to be at practice in 15 minutes hurry up slow down you cannot possibly comprehend anything if you read that fast the cat is outside can you let her in nevermind I will do it you do your math here comes your sister with her friend no your friend cannot eat dinner at our house I don’t have any food as it is football practice has already started you’re late are you done? Crap I let the noodles cook too long oh shit we got another bill in the mail and five more catalogs that we don’t need now go up and change your clothes no she can’t have dinner here I already said that is your homework done? I have to bring your brother to practice we are already late no she can’t come with us please walk her home but hurry because we are late already I will have to finish dinner when I get home gotta switch the laundry now yes coach I know he is late again I am sorry but he has to get his homework done before football he is too tired when he gets home to get it done shit we forgot his helmet I will go home and get it no Grace you cannot stay here you have to come with me to get your homework done no I cannot swing you no I cannot pick you up you weigh as much as me we have to stop and get milk eat fast because we have to pick up your brother at practice Daddy will be home in an hour eat fast slow down you are eating like a pig close your mouth when you chew hurry up we have to go Jake eat up you have to study for your test now Hi honey how was your day mine sucked too sorry to hear that Jake are you done with dinner yet? Get out your book and study he has to study for a test no he couldn’t get it done before practice he had too many other things to do we had macaroni and cheese for dinner help yourself I have to switch the laundry god I gotta pee but there’s really no time Grace go upstairs and read for 15 minutes yes you can read to me AJ help Jake study I’m going up to read with Grace gotta pee can do that upstairs I really don’t care which book you read just pick one and start reading I am listening yes he has to study chapter three yes all of it yes the test is tomorrow I’m sorry honey I had to talk to Daddy for a second go ahead and keep reading Peanut I cannot feed you right now I’ll be down in a minute that’s good reading sweetpea I have to go down and help Jake again it’s almost 9 o’clock he really should get to bed Grace it’s bedtime please brush your teeth yes you already told me you had recorder practice today now go brush your teeth I don’t care what pajamas you choose no you choose them and get them on and brush your teeth Jake really has to be done now please send him upstairs oh shit I never went pee Jake brush your teeth oh and strip your bed I want to wash the sheets you brush I’ll make the bed Grace please get in bed I can’t come down just yet honey I’m still putting the kids to bed I’ll have to miss the Bionic Woman tonight but I’ll be down in time for Life Grace are you in bed? Jake your bed is made now finish up your teeth you have to brush longer than that they can’t even possibly be clean come on now get to bed it’s late yes I’ll ask Daddy to kiss you goodnight no I can’t snuggle with you right now I have to switch the laundry and watch Life no we can’t go to Coffee Gourmet tomorrow please go to sleep yes I’ll give you a quick backscratch there now goodnight and get some sleep tomorrow will be a busy day.
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