This will continue for about 30 minutes. It’s one of the gifts that I receive 12 times a year, among other gifts that arrive at different times during the month – a part of my own book-of-the-month-club from Hell. The eye thing is the only one that doesn’t affect all the other humans within a 10 mile radius of where I’m standing. Except that if you’re standing directly on my left, I can’t see you right now. In a few minutes, if you stand in front of me, I won’t be able to see you there, but the person on my left will be visible again. It’s fun. Sorta like peekaboo only no one’s smiling.
Over the next few weeks the other books in my subscription to Hell will arrive:
The Mystery of the Lumpy Cranium that is Tender to the Touch
Chronicles of Shooting Pain in My Hips – Why I Can’t Stand Up from a Sitting Position
Diary of the Woman Who Screamed “Don’t Touch my Boobs They’re KILLING Me!”.
Oh, and let’s not forgot the one that really rocks the house every month:
Why I Hate the World and Everyone and Everything in it for Four Straight Days: concensus on why women’s patience and good nature disappear from the Good Earth.
That one is my family’s favorite of all. It’s good storytime reading with the kids.

Heron on the river.
6:15 am Sunday

Heron taking flight.
1 comment:
Yes! It's wonderful to have someone else acknowledge that we really are unstable this time of the month.
Also, re:I got a Niiikon camera. Were you quoting Paul SImon? Because as soon as I read that title, I thought
"Love to take a photograph. Mama don't take my Kodachrome away"
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