I love fall. It's my favorite season. I love every day of fall, whether it's sunny or rainy or foggy or even at the end when it's a little snowy. But, I have to admit, it's really nice that summer is giving us one more chance this year. AJ and I were just saying the other day that we didn't take advantage of summer at all this year - and it was a great summer (weather-wise), one of the best in years. I went to the beach ONCE all summer. AJ never made it there at all. We didn't take a summer vacation as a family. We didn't go anywhere at all. We didn't go on bikerides or hikes or pick blueberries. You're probably wondering what the hell we DID do.
So, after the football game on Sunday, when it was so incredibly gorgeous out, we decided to head up to my grandfather's house to spend the afternoon on the water, with my Mom, Grandpa and my uncle. Best idea we've had in a long time. It was just what we all needed. I think you can see why...

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